Electronic auctions currently serve as the most progressive solution for supplier selection. They are totally transparent and bring companies and public organisations average savings on purchases of around 15%. PROEBIZ software is the most widespread system for administering eAuctions in the Czech Republic. Try out the free BluePilot version for two months and see its quality for yourself. To find out more about BluePilot click on Contact and write us a message or phone us on +420 597 587 100.
By signing up for Blue Pilot, you are entitled to a free two-month trial of the PROEBIZ electronic auction administration system, with no restrictions on the number of competitions and users, plus all customer support services from our Houston. During this two-month trial of PROEBIZ, you will be able to get for yourself an idea of the quality of its user interface and the benefits it will bring for your company.
Two months free trial of this extensively used eAuction system
Unlimited number of eAuctions with an estimated 15% savings on purchases
PROEBIZ technical support and utmost user-friendliness
Cooperation with leading Czech eSourcing experts
Lots of new contacts, knowledge and experience
You will be working with software which has been verified by some of the top public and private sector organisations in the Czech Republic and a number of other countries.
Apart from the outstanding software features, you will also be joining a world of interesting, talented people and contacts who will galvanise your business.
You will be getting a new solution for streamlining your tenders and potentially a new way of looking at your business.
You will be supported by a stable local company with a pleasant team of specialists.
If your entry into the eAuction world is to be successful and using our system is to bring you the best results, your team will need to get basic training. We can offer our clients three training options.
Firstly, individual employees could sign up for one of our monthly training courses for beginners. The price, including trainer and classroom, is usually around 3,000 CZK per trainee. Secondly, you could send a group of up to ten to be trained at our Ostrava headquarters, which will cost 4,000 CZK. Finally, we could also do it at your company premises, which will cost 8,000 CZK for a group of up to ten.
Group training is most popular with our clients, with those who know us best opting for training at their premises, especially when new members join their team and require an experienced trainer.